Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Manyoni Orphans Sponsorship Trust...This Issue is Beyond Church Politics

The following is forwarded by Bill Hazelton (Grace Episcopal) from Karl Weiskopf (Grace CANA):

"When Building for Mission, the effort to fund an office building for MOSTRUST the mission to AIDS orphans in Manyoni, Tanzania was being planned, the directors of MOSTRUST USA made the decision to be totally dependent on the Lord to provide the financing for the project. As with the vehicle fund raising in 2006, the need was made known to God’s people and the Lord led them to respond with their donations. The $28,000 original objective for the cost of the building was exceeded in six weeks and contributions are already in for more than half of the $4,200 tax that must be paid at the time of the purchase transaction for a total of $32,200.
The office building in Manyoni will enable MOSTRUST to be even more effective in serving the AIDS orphans who come to it for care. The small staff will be able to work more efficiently and will be equipped to process the increasing number of children more effectively. Caregivers and orphan children will be better served because of Building for Mission."

There are additional costs to assume here, such as land rent and insurance, so the work is not done, even if the buiding is covered, so it is time for some perspective:

The MOSTrust beneficiaries are African AIDS orphans, who are not concerned about who is occupying their church or whose child did or did not receive a college stipend.

The primary concern of these young people is survival in a land hostile to such attempts on many fronts, some of which they have all witnessed firsthand as children.

In contribution to MOSTrust, whether it goes to the building or to sponsoring an AIDS-orphaned child or insuring the organization's ability to proceed, you are literally helping the future of Africa through its offspring. Bishop O'Neill quoted a fellow bus rider in South Africa on the AIDS epidemic, who said "My country is dying". Donating to MOSTrust is the kind of assistance we can give to help ensure these young victims will be alive and able to participate in the future of Africa.

We are all aware that there are two Grace's, separated by a number of issues and that Bishop Alpha has congratulated the CANA faction for "walking in the old shoes", perhaps more cognitive of what an old friend is doing than of the scope and reach of the conflict. This means nothing to the orphans who have suffered such overwhelming consequences of the AIDS epidemic in Africa. They need our support independent of the issues we have with one another on other relatively trivial issues. We can put aside our differences to help make a positive change for these young Africans.

That numerous individuals from Grace Episcopal, Grace/CANA and outside of Grace are participating in the MOSTrust sponsorships, the building fund and the effort to cover those costs beyond buying the building is an acknowledgement of the significance of the problem Bishop Alpha has posed to us. Let's see what we can do to take this over the top and to the next level of support...the need we can fill goes way beyond the MOSTrust building.

Thanks to Bill and Karl and all of the MOSTrust participants and also to those who have been considering it, who now realize it is time to engage. Please see the contact link at this URL to do so:

MOSTrust is an organization entirely independent of Grace Church in any form and finances are handled separately from either church group.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad that MOSTRUST is an independent organization, devoted entirely to helping the AIDS orphans. Many thanks to the American trustees who are keeping politics from interfering with this important work.

Anonymous said...

I have witness what the trust have done to my people at Manyoni, I would like to let everyone know that your contribution has real change life of so many kids who would have unknown future without your helping hand. God bless those who have shown interest on helping people in Africa!