Wednesday, April 18, 2007

As suggested by Anonymous:

We need to thank the other generous churches in the community who have shared processional crosses, torches, acolyte robes, communion chalices, palms for Palm Sunday, communion wafers, invitations to join them for Maundy Thursday, and their love and prayers. The list is endless. Without them we never could have done it.

Monday, April 16, 2007

New Vestry Apppointments Anounced

At the April 15, 2007 service held at Shove Chapel, Dr. Tim Fuller announced that The following additional vestry members had been appointed by our only surviving vestryman, Dr. Robert McJimsey, with the approval of Bishop O'Neill:

Clelia deMoraes
Amy Duell
Helen Hazelton
Tim Fuller
David Watts

Note that Fuller and Watts are former vestry members of Grace Church.