Thursday, May 17, 2007

If I still haven't convinced you about the May 20 vote...

Let's look at some of the parameters defining the May 20 "vote" scheduled by the secessionist group illegally occupying the facility at 631 N. Tejon Street.

"Voting will begin on May 20th and continue for six days, through Saturday, May. 26th. All voting will be done in person, much like voting in an election. Parish members in good standing will present themselves, with ID, to a teller in the parish office, except on Sunday in the Great Hall, and, if properly registered as a communicant, will be allowed to cast a secret ballot voting to stay in the Anglican Communion or walk apart with The Episcopal Church. Results will be announced in church on May 27th. Times for voting are listed below:

Sunday, May 29th - 8:00AM to 1:00PM (Taft Hall - excluding worship times)
Monday, May 21st - 12:00PM to 6:00PM (McWilliams House)
Tuesday, May 22nd - 12:00PM to 6:00PM (McWilliams House)
Wednesday, May 23rd - 12:00PM to 6:00PM (McWilliams House)
Thursday, May 24th - 12:00PM to 6:00PM (McWilliams House)
Friday, May 25th - 12:00PM to 6:00PM (McWilliams House)
Saturday, May 26th - 9:00AM to 1:00PM (McWilliams House)"

This procedure is taken from the recently mailed May/June Nigerian Tidings (not to be confused with the Online Tidings published by Grace and St. Stephens Episcopal Church).

A careful reading of the procedure shows that nearly anyone not in favor with Nigeria can be easily excluded or results of their vote ensured:

1. "Members in good standing..."
This may require that you continued to contribute to the secessionist church after the vestry vote.
In the Episcopal Church, it means regular attendance, so participation matters, but CANA may define this differently, especially considering the Grace Concerns group pledge withholding.

2. "...if properly registered as a communicant..."
This was described by Jon Wrobleski in the Mar. 14th (Saturday) meeting to require re-registration as an Anglican.
He did not describe what this entailed and I am at a loss to understand what it means. otherwise. As an Episcopalian, you are already an Anglican.

3. "...cast a secret ballot..."
It appears that the secrecy may be in the results.
Now, Bob Balink will apparently be doing the counting, he voted with the former vestry to secede to CANA. This is not an independent monitor.
The arrangement is reminiscent of past vestry elections involving nominations from the floor, subject to secret ballot vote.

The sum total of all of these requirements may be that you must be donating to CANA, even if you disagree with the proposed association with this organization, you must have somehow re-registered as an Anglican, even though, as an Episcopalian, you are already an Anglican, and even if you manage to accomplish all of this without compromising your principles, you must accept the result of your participation without independent audit or public acknowledgment of each vote.

We need to face the fact that the secessionist group illegally occupying the 631 N. Tejon facility has already determined current property control and access.
The May 20 vote is merely a procedure by which those parishioners who wish to join them can be identified.
The result was determined on March 26 when the former vestry voted to leave The Episcopal Church and join CANA.
Any "vote" activity is merely window dressing designed to demonstrate the validity of the vestry action, no matter what the actual result of the poll of the parishioners.
The vestry and clergy aligned with CANA have already shown they cannot be trusted.
You are urged to boycott the illegal vote so this activity is not validated with your participation.

Link to Recent Press Conference by Peter Akinola

Archbishop Akinola tells us how he really feels:

[Steel shorts required?]

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Time to Get Serious About the May 20 Vote

May 20 marks the first day of voting at 631 N. Tejon Street to determine if you, as an individual, would like to join the secessionist group in their move to join CANA, already a fact in law for the vestry and clergy who have broken away.

There have been a number of common questions concerning this activity, like:

"Shouldn't Episcopalians make a point of demonstrating their opposition?"
"Shouldn't we vote to show how we really feel?"
"How can we let them get away with this?"
"It's my church, too...I can't stand by and do nothing!"

All are reasonable questions with a heartfelt sentiment that is difficult to deny.


Perhaps it is time to rejoice in our Episcopal congregation, independent of its location, for it is a truly remarkable group of people who come together every week to celebrate being Christian in spite of other adversity.

Perhaps it is time to show confidence in our bishop, our vestry and the great legal mind we have on our side and understand that a great effort is underway to return us to our proper venue...all in good time (and not requiring any "vote").

Perhaps it is time to enjoy the nature of the sermons and the announcements we are hearing every week, free of the judgment of one man on other people, and, instead, full of hope and joy concerning our possibilities.

It occurred to me that most of us with the Episcopal Church have been members of Grace Church for a long time, so, in light of the fact that we have been enjoying life without certain former participants, why did we not leave sooner instead of having to be forced out by the secessionist vestry action?

The answer is that we went to church at 631 N. Tejon to see each other, week after week, knowing that it was this common participation where we found Christ, where we rejoiced in each other, and where the real church existed for us.

Is it no wonder, then, that we can all simply "walk through the door", as Bishop O'Neill characterized it (albeit at a different address) and continue to put on a familiar service with the splendid liturgy, music and other production without missing any elements?...that our children continue to receive the finest of attention in "Godly play" and music?...that our acolytes, ushers, lectors, chalice-bearers, transport-providers, altar guide, hospitality group and program makers, ever mindful that they are on borrowed ground, continue to help us understand what being a Christian is all about?...that pastoral care continues and Youth Group is rising, and other programs are coming, limited only by our tactical cleverness?

I was reminded earlier this week that our responsibility is, as "Fr. David in Security said it, living up to Grace Episcopal Church's name". For this reason, and because Grace Episcopal Church deserves better, I urge you not to participate in the May 20 vote. Instead, let us join in our own service and activities on May 20 at First Christian Church. I guarantee you will go home feeling better about your church and about yourself.